Medical Documentation for Dietary Modifications

We encourage students with dietary needs and/or food allergies to notify us before coming to campus (preferably by August 1, 2024). Waiting to provide appropriate documentation may lead to delays in requested modifications. Ashley Leone, the Campus Dining Dietitian, is always available to answer questions or concerns. She can be reached at

Step one: Fill out Dietary Accommodation Form

Please fill out this Dietary Accommodation Form as soon as you know where you will be living so we can review your accommodations.

Step Two: Medical Documentation

Syracuse University Campus Dining requires medical documentation for any dietary modification needed in any of our facilities. (A modification is what is needed beyond what we currently serve.)

Medical documentation should be a letter from your medical provider that includes:

  • Diagnosis and any pertinent testing.
  • Accommodation suggestions.
  • All foods to be avoided or consumed.
  • Documentation needs to be on office or practice letterhead, dated and signed by a professional who is licensed or certified in the area for which the diagnoses is made.

Send medical documentation to our dietitian, Ashley Leone at  Please type in the email subject line your name and the words “Medical Documentation”. (ex: Joe Student – Medical Documentation)

Medical documentation will be reviewed for the requested modification(s).  Please be advised that you may need to provide additional information as needed.  Review of the medical documentation may be shared with Health Services and the Center for Disability Resources.



Updated 4/2024